Tuesday, August 26, 2008

12 days left in New York

... and then another installment of "The Great Schlep". Phil and I have started the piles of stuff to take. We haven't yet decided whether or not one of us will haul a trailer.

Part of me is thrilled, and part of me has a long list of New York Stuff I haven't done yet. C'est la vie.

Friday, August 22, 2008

August 22

Hi folks,
The weekend ahead looks great weather-wise, so we're ready for a good work-week. It will be 4th weekend, the theme is Magic and Mystery. this could be a fun theme, but instead it appears to be amateur bands-dressed-like-Harry-Potter weekend ... a couple of years after the Harry Potter craze no less.

But rather than be negative, I'll tell you about the Good Stuff happening. I've heard from most of my core employees at Queen's Pantry, so that is lining up well. I'm on day 18 of a High Raw diet, which means I'm eating no animal products, and every day for 18 days so far, I've consumed 90% or more raw food. I don't have a lot of time for playing in the kitchen during our work-season, so I've been eating a lot of fruit. But what a time to be eating fruit! Local peaches are Soooooooo good.

Phil and I bought shares in a local farm (near TRF) for the 3 months that we live in the area. We'll get weekly shares of whatever came due that week. I'm very excited.

Off to continue finding the top of my desk before the weekend.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Catch Up

Lessee ....
Dolly missed our house, but took down one avocado tree. Our neighbors Jenn and Scott lost a big tree and 2 cars, but had good insurance. They're swamped with the post-hurricane rebuild of area restaurants, so this will end up being a very good year for their business.

Phil and I are in New York, at the New York Renaissance Faire. Weather has been iffy each of our 2 weekends so far, but we're doing well. The weather has been gorgeous in-between ... so we are enjoying the opportunity to live in the woods in the summertime.

I'm on day 11 of eating mostly raw food, and I'm feeling AMAZING. My energy level is very high, and it gives me an easy way to say "No thank you" to those yummy fresh cut french fries that Phil sells on the weekends. Besides, the summer bounty of fruit and veggies is so fabulous, it's an easy shift.

That's the update for now ... back to work I go ...